Let me just start out by saying this is my FAVORITE YOGA DVD EVER! It's definitely not one of those DVDs that are catered to the lazy or time-crunched. There are three different energizing yoga segments that each last about 1 hour, which I love. This really makes it seem like I'm attending a real yoga class, and since each one is different, it doesn't get boring.
After doing the hour-long "classes," I've never felt better. I definitely feel it in my arms, legs, and core the next morning - but it's the good kind of sore! The first time was interesting because I wasn't as flexible as I would have liked to be. But even by the end of the first hour, you start to notice you can almost plant both feet on the ground during downward facing dog - and you WILL do a lot of downward facing dog, plank, and cobra.
I do get a slight creeper vibe from Bryan, who doesn't hesitate to come up behind someone doing downward facing dog just to "check their form." But aside from his slightly distracting long head of curly hair and the fact that he's wearing jean shorts while teaching a yoga class, he's actually pretty amazing at motivating you to just do the best that you can. And that's what yoga's all about! I really learned a lot about yoga, and he really helps to remind to to breathe and not worry about the pose but to just feel.
This is a good DVD because it will last you the whole week without getting boring. Because the segments are really intense, I would skip a day between each workout. And since there are three, you can work out M-W-F and voila! you've gotten a whole week of yoga done. Which is perfect because the Los Angeles Public Library only allows you to borrow a DVD for 7 days, with no renewal.
I HIGHLY recommend this to people who have done yoga before and want to step it up. Even for you beginners, try it out. But I warn you, you will be put in some interesting positions all while sweating like a pig!
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