Thursday, August 19, 2010

For those who are self-mani/pedi inclined

If you're like me and have a nail polish fetish, then you must be itching for a cheaper and greener way to satisfy your constant need to have color on your nails. For that, I direct you to none other than Chinatown! The Chinatown in Downtown Los Angeles is not only a great place to browse for random knick-knacks that only them crazy Chinese people (like me) would think to sell, it's also a mecca for awesomely cheap nail polish.

All these bottles for only 5 bucks? GTFO!

How cheap you may ask? I'm talking 6 bottles of nail polish..................for 5 bucks! And if you do the math, that's less than a dollar for a bottle of nail polish. You really can't get any cheaper than that (unless you become a klepto). Compare that with a $10 bottle at MAC.

Case in point: I bought a a gorgeous dark red polish from MAC and unwillingly handed over the money because, well, I absolutely loved the color. A few weeks later I head over to Chinatown and discover the exact same color thrown in a bin with other orphan bottles of polish. For the same price as the MAC bottle, I could have gotten 12 bottles of that color! I would have been set for life.

I loved the color so much, I went back and bought another one!

As for the green part, I like to think of these hundreds, if not thousands, of abandoned bottles of nail polish just lying in baskets waiting to be picked in Chinatown, as a weird means of recycling. Those bottles obviously came from some beauty store that couldn't sell everything and essentially "threw them away" to the Chinatown shops. (Note: I could be totally wrong about this. I have no confirmed sources or anything, but I'd like to think that I'm always right haha) So if you think about it THAT way, then you're just doing good for the earth. Otherwise, where will those bottles go if they don't sell from Chinatown?? Probably thrown out and shipped to a landfill near you.

And here's a helpful beauty tip for those really old bottles that have dried up polish. Add a few drops of nail polish remover to the bottle, shake, and voila! the nail polish is as good a new!


  1. a) I didn't know you had a blog!

    b) I insist on being taken on your next chinatown expedition. I desperately need some new colors :(

    c) You've convinced me. I'm gonna talk to my mum tomorrow bout gettingmy own diva cup. In fact, I will also do the math for the average cost of pads and tampons for women this week, as best I can :)

  2. cheap nail polish and diva cup FTW! btw, who are you?? haha
